| Pro Genealogists
Hire the best professionals with MyPast guarantee and certification Watch your family's story come to life as our Professional Genealogists accredited family members solve family mysteries, unravel told stories, solve adoption puzzles, investigate your DNA and find out more about who you are and where you are from. Do you like the journey? Tighten the belts that we will do the hard work for you.
Discover your family history Accredited MyPast researchers have spent years helping their customers solve problems difficult family history, finding family members through book-by-book searches and track your family trees using online and offline resources, are some of your specialties. We bring together the best professional researchers in Brazil, specialists in Portuguese, Italian and Spanish research. We have the experience and passion to help you achieve your family history goals, and the best, with the guarantee and reliability of having the Professional genealogists accredited by MyPast working hard in its history.
How it works: Our professional genealogy and family history research process MyPast Pro Genealogists teams are composed of professional genealogists and specialists in family history, with extensive research and genealogical experience and, most importantly, you.

Each research project begins with an in-depth conversation between you, the research manager and the designated customer relationship manager. You can describe your goals to the team and we’ll guide you through the research process while using our experience to determine the best way to achieve your goals.
Our research service is charged per hour and is carried out in a minimum period of 20 hours. This minimum time allows us to review any previous research, develop a research plan, identify and locate records, search for family members or related persons, write a detailed report and assemble the documentation.
Side dish
Although we are happy to dedicate time to several family lines, our best results occur when we focus only on one or two ancestral lines. We will work with you to determine the most effective and efficient use of our research time. Through mypast.com you will have scheduled meetings with your Genealogist Professional and will be able to follow the progress or help with new information.
Your MyPast-accredited Genealogist will deliver a family tree at mypast.com with the surveyed branches and a detailed report of your findings with sources, addresses names and dates so you have everything on hand. If you want an original document, remember that duplicate or postage charges may apply.
The time has come for us to discover the little part of its history that has been hidden for years. Count on us and let's start this adventure!